Can you recall the feeling you had when you rode a bike on your own for the first time? Or the excitement you may have felt taking the wheel as a new driver? Did your heart race? Were you exhilarated or a bit terrified? Either way, you branched out of your comfort zone and did it! You rocked the wave!
It’s never too late to experience the fun and adventure of trying something new! You don’t need to parachute out of a plane or bungee-jump off of a bridge to be bold! You can start small – even by picking up something new to taste on your next trip to the grocery store! We are so lucky to live in a world where international treasures are practically at our feet (or just a computer click away!). New opportunities have never been so close, so open yourself up to fresh possibilities! Be brave and touch the unfamiliar!
If you decide to get your feet wet and sample something unusual, allow yourself to be in the moment fully when you take your first bite or make your first move! Sample that bit of life through the eyes of a child and use all of your senses. Taste that delectable with total awareness! Jump into that activity with eyes wide open, arms ready to embrace! Let the newfound flavors explode everywhere! Be you and enjoy the “trying” part of it all!
Happiness Exercise: Give yourself permission to be daring and sample something different—a new food, an unfamiliar activity, an unexplored place! Literally write the words “something new” on your food list or in your calendar as a reminder. Or maybe attempt something again from so long ago that it feels anew! Remember skipping? Or jump-roping? They’re still fun (and maybe even dangerous now depending on your abilities!). Returning to that experience may make you smile—or at least make someone else watching you smile! Give yourself the gift of being green again. It’s fun and enlivening! Color your life more vibrantly and see where this newfound courage takes you…to exotic culinary creations in the kitchen?! To a new park or area to explore?! To the class you’ve always wanted to take but never did?! To the door of an old friend?! Let go of “normalcy,” the “everyday,” the “humdrum.” Rock your own world again by opening yourself up to the world of novelty and imagination! Whatever you choose to do, put a skip in your step as you make your way there. Be sure to smile and let the entire Universe nudge you along! It will make a world of difference in how you embrace the day!